How To Get To World 7 On Mario Ds
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Now, most people who have New Super Mario Bros. really want to go to world seven. If you have the Wii version, this may help, if it doesn't, well, sorry.
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Go to world one.
Complete level 1-4 twice.
This is the trick: on level 1-4, you can get a mini mushroom. If you have done the level already, you probably know that. Get the mini mushroom and don't loose it. Complete the level.
This next step is unnecessary but makes getting to World Seven a whole lot easier: Repeat Step Three.
Go to the castle level on world five and beat the plant guy. Finish as a mini, and you'll get to world seven.
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Do I have to beat world 1-4, or can I just pick up a mini mushroom from another stage?
Any mini mushroom you find will work. World 1 - 4 is just guaranteed to give you one.
How do I defeat the monsters when Mario is mini?
You'll have to ground pound him by jumping on top of him and pushing the down button on your DS.
How do I unlock World 6 in New Super Mario Bros. DS?
Just go to the final castle in world five, complete it and then you should get to World 6.
How do I ground pound?
Jump and push the down button to ground pound.
Is there any way to get to worlds four and seven without doing these things?
No. You must do those things as mini Mario to advance to worlds four and seven.
Can I use shooting power to kill him, or do I have to ground pound him? How many times does it take to fully kill him?
It is easiest to jump onto his head. You can also use fire power or the bombs he throws.
How do I kill the mole guy without special powers?
The Monty Tank is actually the boss of world 6, but Mini Mario/Luigi can defeat any boss, that you can stomp, of course, by Ground-Pounding the boss.
How do I use the lrlrxxyy challenge in New Super Mario Bros. DS?
It works on most levels that you completed. Bowser's Castle and some ghost houses do not work with this trick.
How do I get the mini mushroom in the bubble?
Bubbles do not exist in New Super Mario Bros., so it would be impossible to obtain one from a bubble. Bubbles do exist in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, but they only contain Super Mushrooms.
How do Unlock World 4?
Nicholas Aguilar
Community Answer
Fight the boss from world 2 as mini Mario.
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The trick with this is, you only have to FINISH as a mini. So, if you are a fire power, be that, beat the plant, and then change to a mini and get the key.
You can also get to World 7 by unlocking the Cannon in World 4 and using it. That will blast you to World 7.
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World Seven is hard, confusing, and made of clouds. The boss is a giant Lakitu (the guy who throws spinies at you on world two) who has a storm cloud for a lower half and blasts you with lightning.
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How To Get To World 7 On Mario Ds
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