How To Get Algae Out Of Pool Without A Vacuum
Having a pool is fun until it is time to clean and clear the pool of algae. It has a lot of work to do, and it takes so much time to get rid of the infestation. Many methods can easily to get algae out of pool without a vacuum, but before jumping, a little information about algae is not too time-consuming, and algae is a fungus that lives in stationary water. It likes to live in such waters because swimming pools have the right nutrients that will help them to multiply and spread quickly. Algae Outbreaks make the pool unsuitable for swimming purposes as it may cause disease and germs.
Algae spread by the following methods.
- Poor Water Circulation
- Warm weather
- Low Free Chlorine
- Nitrates and CO2
- Contamination of equipment and swimsuit
Is Algae harmful to humans?
NO, Algae does not harm humans. It's only an eyesore to the view and it makes the swimming pool slippery. It stains the walls of the swimming pool.
What will happen if the algae are not removed?
The filter may be clogged and damaged. Once the infestation has occurred, it will involve a lot of money and work to get rid of it. Erosion and staining may occur as algae increase the calcium content and form scales. Algae can trap harmful germs such as E. coli which makes it dangerous. It's also making the pool slippery. They will reduce the visibility of divers when they try to rescue a person or a pet. It will stain the surfaces of the pool, which will be difficult to remove.
How can it be prevented? How to get algae out of pool without a vacuum? The following methods can prevent it:

Brush the pool
Scrub the walls of the pool with a wire brush until it loosens up and starts to float. This will help clean up faster and saves time. Use a heavy-duty wire brush to scrub the ladder and steps too.
Test the Chemistry of water
This involves testing the Ph of water and the alkalinity level using a test kit. The Ph level needs to be between 7.2 and 7.6 to ensure a safe limit. It is important to get the chemical levels balanced for it to work effectively. Sodium Bicarbonate or Sodium Bicolpate can be used to increase Ph.
Removal of debris
Using a fishnet, remove the floating leaves and other debris which float since it acts as a medium for the algae to latch onto, including the water and walls.
Treating the Pool using Algaecide
Since there are different algae varieties, the most infected swimming pools are green algae, black algae, and mustard algae. Depending on the type of algae infestation, the algaecide must be chosen. There are two types of algaecide metallic, and quaternary ammonia, most pool owners prefer to use metallic ammonia algaecide because they are cheap and get rid of the infestation faster. On the other hand, using quaternary ammonia will make the pool foam up, which will be an added inconvenience.
After adding algaecide to the pool, it happens to be in the pool for about 24 hours. Before any work can be carried out. During the 24 hours, the algaecide kills the algae and ensures that it does not spread. The use of algaecide often helps to maintain the pool by extending the filtration system's life, as the blockage will be less to the filters and the pool pump entries. It also reduces the swimming pools chlorine content, making it more enjoyable to swim because if the chlorine content is high, it is an eyesore to swim.
Shocking the pool

This method saves from making a hole in the wallet and is also very effective. Shocking in layman terms refers to the addition of chlorine or non-chlorine chemicals to increase the chlorine content of the water. Chemicals that can be used for shocking purposes are Calcium Hypochlorite, Sodium Dichloride, and Potassium monopersulfate. It is generally recommended that 1 pound of shocking chemical be used for 10,000 gallons of water. The shocking chemical is usually in powder form. Shock the pool during the night as it eliminates the possibility of any reaction with the sun.
Follow the following steps when shocking:
- Wear protective eye gear and hand gloves.
- The required quantity of water is 5 gallons to be taken in a bucket and mixed with 1 pound of the shocking chemical.
- Pour it in areas where there is an overgrowth of algae.
And then wait for 24 hrs. before filtering it out.
Keep the pump turned on during the entire time while cleaning the pool since it does not stagnate the water which in turn will discourage the algae from spreading.
There are 3 types of pool filters which are a sand filter, a cartridge filter, and a D.E filter. The sand filter and the D.E filter can be washed back, which is efficient. Sand filters are easy to maintain, affordable, and long-lasting. Cartridge filters are cylindrical shaped, mid-stage pool filtration systems, which can be cleaned by removing the filter and hosing it down with water. D.E filters are quite expensive, but they filter out the most impurities and microscopic particles. It is recommended that the filters be cleaned two to three times a year to discourage algae growth and keep the pool clean from impurities.
You can choose any of the above suitable methods to get algae out of pool without a vacuum. It all comes down to the maintenance of the pool that includes cleaning it regularly. Be sure not to keep the water stagnant and run the pump at frequent intervals, which is the most efficient way to discourage algae growth. Regular cleaning will make the water healthy for swimming and nullify the odors from the swimming pool.
Now have a wonderful swim. You have earned it.
How To Get Algae Out Of Pool Without A Vacuum
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